Field Trips with the Bilbreys

Sacramento, California - Sept. 2, 2000

Hi. It's Monday, September 4th - this weekend we attended the FIRST birthday of our nephew, Robert Michael. As expected, there were lots of people for me to play with, and many of them are pictured here. Hover your cursor and use the alt text for more descriptions.

Robbie looking back over a shoulder Robbie on maneuvers Robbie handles ledges Robbie enters Stage Right, entrancing Marcia Unidentified beautiful child

Above. Robbie is the guest of honor, and gets both a lot of pictures, and is in a lot of action. He's pretty mobile, and while people keep an eye out, it's nice to see that no one is too frantic about dirt and such - kids will find a way anyway, heh. On the right is the child of one of Barbara's friends, a gorgeous baby with stunning eyes that I could not get a picture of. I also (CRS attack) can't remember the child (or mother's name)... how embarrassing.

More Robbie Brolin, Robbie (& Alex's) cousin Brady Emily and David Sonia sits and waits

Above, along with yet more Robbie, we have some party guests, many of whom liked seeing their picture on a screen moments after the picture was taken.

Anthony goes for a drive Sonia in a four-point stance Anthony driving, David assists, Sonia views Baylor inbound, Brady outbound, Brolin headed into right field Brady with bubbles

Above. Warning, Warning, Kids at play.

The cakes Alex makes a cameo appearance Robbie with dad Michael Kids and presents Kids and presents II

More kids, what a surprise - you'd think it was a child's birthday party or something..

Katie intent on 'helping' Emily away, Robbie clearly about ready to walk, eh?

The presents are a wrap, and Robbie contemplates one of his new toys. Thanks for joining us for the party. We had fun. TTFN.


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