31 Oct 2016

Hallowe’en, such as it is. Between the way the dog reacts to activity at the door, and Marcia’s hip: we turned out the front lights before dusk to keep things quiet on our front porch. It worked. Shouting kids on the sidewalks, parents  curb-crawling with their cars because they’re too damned lazy to walk with their kids, etc.

Marcia’s progress is good. At her first PT evaluation today, Andrew said she was doing great, and to be cautious not to push too hard, too fast. Note: SportsPro Physical Therapy, Marcia’s go-t0 PT team for the last decade – we can HIGHLY recommend them.

I managed to squeak about three remote working hours in today. We’re hopeful that by next week, Marcia will be doing enough for herself that I can go to the office for a few hours each day. Not much else to report on the home front. We’re sending our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Roberta Pournelle, who suffered a stroke over the weekend.

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DoD reported no new casualties in the last week. Ciao!