29 May 2024

Almost 26 Years

Tomorrow is our 26th anniversary, Marcia and I. It’s been joyous, occasionally challenging, and all wonderful. Yay, us!

Catching up

Georgia has been standing in the water a lot – this is her normal routine at the 3/4 mark on our daily walk.

black on white american bully mix rescue dog, standing chest deep in pond
Georgia standing in the reservoir

Spring has been springing – lots of stuff has been coming into bloom. The lilies are coming up, the roses are pending, the lilac smells wonderful…

Small cherry tree in bloom
Small cherry tree in bloom in our front yard

Time to go fishing – We put the boat in the water a couple of weeks ago, and have made it out fishing a couple of times already. On Sunday last, we both caught some bass…

Small mouth bass caught at the lake,  shoreline and boat motor in background
Small mouth bass, caught then released

And that’s the highlights of the last few weeks. It’s been busy.

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About bilborg

I am who I am, there's plenty of data on this site to tell you more. Briefly, I'm a husband, computer geek, avid reader, gardener, and builder of furniture.

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