LOPSA East 2014

The League of Professional Systems Administrators (LOPSA) puts on an east coast conference each Spring. We just finished up LOPSA East 2014 last night. An excellent two days of technical training, invited talks, and superb keynote speakers. I’d say that in terms of technical conferences, it’s the best value for money around. You’ll be hearing a lot more about that from me for the next couple of years. Why? It appears that I have volunteered to shadow the Program Chair next year, and be the Program Chair for LOPSA East 2016. Woo hoo! I’ll have a better write-up on this year’s event in a couple of days, when I’ve caught up on my sleep.

Today I drove home, unpacked, started the laundry, and went out to do the shopping. Back from that, I mowed the lawns front and back … then vegetated for the balance of the day. Tomorrow I’ll retrieve Lexi from boarding at the veterinarian, and we’ll wait for Marcia to come home from Michigan later this week. Plenty of stuff to keep busy with around here, as I’m taking this whole week off from work.

*      *      *

Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

  • Pfc. Christian J. Chandler, 20, of Trenton, Texas, died April 28 in Baraki Barak District, Logar province, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire.
  • Sgt. Shawn M. Farrell II, 24, of Accord, New York, died April 28, in Nejrab District, Kapisa province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire.

Nothing to see here

Then why post, might you ask? Well you might. But sometimes, “nothing” is good. For instance, I’ve nothing to report from DoD for the week past. That’s good – no reported casualties.

There’s been no frost, so none of the veggies I’ve planted are dead. That’s good. Also, I made the lawns flat this weekend, and got a bit of work done at the office on the virtualization infrastructure … neither of which is “nothing”. But lawns are boring, and by policy I can’t discuss details of work. So … pretty much nothing to see there.

*      *      *

Someone wants lots of flashing lights near schools for child safety. Sigh. Virtually everyone I grew up with was safe, and we didn’t have much in the way of flashing lights, or school buses with 10 mile visibility exclusion zones. Much better to do two things: one – teach kids to pay attention again. Two – kill a kid on purpose or by accident: Death penalty, fast lane. Result: safety and road courtesy. Seriously. It wouldn’t take too many public executions, well publicised with cheering parents all round to bring most drivers to their senses. The rest would end up victims of Papa Darwin.

This is nothing new from me. I’ve been a crusty, get-off-my-lawn type since I was 4 years old. Enough nothing. Ciao!

Spring #WTF

Yesterday: chores and such. Today: shopping, chores and such. And along with those and exercise, a startlement. I was just getting into the groove on the elliptical, when I looked up and out to see … snow. Sigh. Really? Yup. Wasn’t much, didn’t stick to roads or sidewalks, but seriously I’m officially tired of snow. I want a couple of months of high 50’s to low 70’s. What I’m a’feared of is a direct transition to summer mode. That’ll have me wishing for more snow in less than a couple of days. Here’s what it looked like out the back window:

30 March 2014: Snow

30 March 2014: Snow

*      *      *

Another week with no casualties announced. I’m glad. Ciao!


Frankly, I don’t know what happened on Sunday. It wasn’t a particularly stressful day, I got some stuff done, but not much. Not much at all since I managed also to forget to post, and continue forgetting until Marcia reminded me just now. What’s been going on? Today:

Yeah, more snow

Yeah, more snow

You wouldn’t guess it was Spring already, eh? In other news, I’ve been a much better boy when it comes to sticking to the exercise routine this year. I picked up in earnest in early February and have been improving as I went along. Today, along with sit-ups and a few push-ups, I managed this on the elliptical:

Today's elliptical workout - 845 calories & 5000 "strides"

Today’s elliptical workout

So I’ve got that going for me.

*      *      *

Good news, no new casualties reported by DoD (none announced since March 3). Ciao!

Mo’ Snow

It has started snowing again, and is supposed to throughout St. Patrick’s Day. Weird, eh? Lexi is gonna be cranky when all of her spots are covered up with snow, again!

No real other news, I’ve had a busy weekend and gotten lots accomplished, from shopping and haircut to coffee roasting and building a small woodshop project for a coworker. Oh, yeah, and patched some Solaris boxen, and … well, you get the idea. Sleep is for the weak.

*      *      *

No casualties were announced by DoD in the last week.


Not very funny

While I’ve generally been a bit of a class clown, I’ve never thought of myself as funny. In a way, the snappy comeback and the right quote at the right time have always just been another way of masking my intrinsic discomfort around (other) people. I *can* put on a happy face and make my way through the world. I don’t think I’m very good at it, though, so I’m always striving a bit.

This whinging is apropos of our on-going spate of social engagements. We went to a cabaret last weekend, neighbors were here for supper the weekend before, we were out to supper with different neighbors last night, and out yet again next weekend with some friends of Marcia’s.  That’s something akin to three years of non-anti-social behavior, compressed into four weeks for me. Still, let me note that I have been having a nice time, but I could do with a little less. I’m just happy to crouch in the corner of my front porch, ready to shout at the kids when they walk on our lawn. Yes, “curmudgeon” is also a masque, eh?

*      *      *

The weekend: Mostly work, both days, excepting the dinner out last night. We watched the third episode of Sherlock series two this afternoon – now THAT’S entertainment! Miss me? Heh.

*      *      *

No reported casualties by DoD, for the second week in a row. That’s a good thing. Now let’s get them all home.

Sportsball: meh ; PSH: sigh.

We had no obligation to watch the sportsball game today, so haven’t. I’m given to understand based on brief comments in Twitter that the contest wasn’t really a contest, eh? Meh. For y’all? I hope you enjoyed watching the game, if you did. Sometimes the commercials are fun, but it’s not enough to bring me to the set.

RIP, Philip Seymour Hoffman. Addiction sucks, and it took him from us untimely. For those of us left behind, take this lesson: the disease but sleeps. Be vigilant.

This weekend, I got some house cleaning done, and washed all the salt off of the car. Last evening we went down to VA to see Linda, Mary and others performing in a Cabaret at the Workhouse Theatre in Lorton. Good fun and wonderful singing voices!

*      *      *

DoD has announced no new casualties in the preceding week. I’m glad of that.


Not as much fun…

The second week of the year, sadly, was not so much fun (though overall successful and much more eventful).

I flew out to Columbus on business last Sunday night, and concluded the work in time to be home on Tuesday evening. Wednesday morning, I got out of bed and spontaneously “decided” that emptying my stomach was going to be the previously unplanned activity of the day. Although that was a solo event, the aches, fever, and general lack of ability to focus lasted pretty much through yesterday. So I lost a week to Ohio, and to the flu. But all is good now.

I see from the news that I won’t have to watch the StupidBowl this year. Sad for Tom and his team, but I get an entire Sunday back in my life.

Tomorrow is a holiday for my ${FIRM}, so I’m going to be doing some house cleaning and a bit of project work down in the woodshop.

*      *      *

Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

  • Sgt. Daniel T. Lee, 28, of Crossville, Tennessee, died Jan. 15, in Parwan Province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire during combat operations.
  • Chief Warrant Officer Andrew L. McAdams, 27, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, died Jan. 10, at Bagram Airfield, in Parwan Province, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when the aircraft he was aboard crashed.
  • Sgt. Drew M. Scobie, 25, of Kailua, Hawaii, died Jan. 10, at Bagram Airfield, in Parwan Province, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when the aircraft he was aboard crashed.
  • Spc. Andrew H. Sipple, 22, of Cary, North Carolina, died Jan. 17, in Kandahar City, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, from a non-combat related incident.

Back in the Groove

First full week of 2014 put to bed, although I took Tuesday off to ferry Marcia to an appointment. All is well. Chores all weekend, and obligations tonight, so I’m posting a bit early today. I didn’t have any more time for Puppet this week, but someone recommended I try ALL of the CM products out there before settling on one. Lovely. I’ll just order an “Extra 24 Hours in Each Day” subscription from Amazon. That’ll do the trick.

Y’all have a good week!

*      *      *

DoD has reported no deaths in the last week, which is better than I expected.